Shopsmith World
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You can join Shopsmith World by filling in"Contact Form" on the right side of this page. Please add your City, State, Model of Shopsmith and your expertise. Now press SEND!
- eMail:
Chuck Eral, Adm. Web Master
We will be organizing Shopsmith Clubs across the United States and even the world. This has been a vision for Shopsmith owners for many years.
You will meet once a month at a members' home. The club would be informal and you will be welcoming Shopsmith owners, operators and collectors. Free membership and no dues.
Discussion is open to anyone attending your meetings. Spouses would be welcome to join in the fun in the member's home, while you attend to working in the member's shop.
When you get together in a regional location for the meeting, there will be many options open:
- Show off your skills; sawing, drilling, sanding, gluing and turning wood.
- Demo on assembling / disassembling / servicing and overhauling.
- Showing off your newest Shopsmith purchase and its capabilities.
- Showing off your most favorite project you have been working on.
- Model of Shopsmith*
- Your Expertise*
- You can also upload your Shopsmith Photos & Videos to Shopsmith World Site
- You can also upload your Favorite Shopsmith You Tube Videos to Shopsmith World Site