* Shopsmith Facebook Groups *

               Shopsmith World Users Group 

                     The main purpose of this Group, is to bring Shopsmith User's together
                      to form state & local groups / clubs. When you join this group, other 
                      than your name. We would like your State and City you live in. Along 
                      with the model of Shopsmith use, and your woodworking expertise. 
                      When the individuals in their state, want to meet and form a group 
                      or club, we will be contacting all individuals in their state. This has 
                      been a vision for Shopsmith owners for many years. 
                      Come Join us at Shopsmith World.

Private group · 7.3K members
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS OR YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED This group is for owners/users of ShopSmith tools, to share their projects, ask questions,or to just share general woodworking knowledge. There are very few rules,and most of us are here for the fellowship and sharing, so keep itclean and go make some sawdust. Let us know what you are up to,andenjoy the group!6 unread posts
Private group · 5.1K members
Buy, Sell, and trade ideas and products for your Shopsmith, Sawsmith, Magna equipment as well as other tools for woodworking. Member since February 2021
Public group · 19 members
This group is designed to help users find others to learn and have similar interest in our wonderful state of Maine For help and advise on projects, repairs or anything else. 10 posts a year
Public group · 1.1K members
Member since March 2021
Private group · 847 members
YOUR REQUEST TO JOIN WILL BE DECLINED IF YOU DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. This Group is dedicated to those using, repairing, restoring, modifying, or just interested in the Shopsmith Models 10E and 10ER built by Magna Engineering from 1947 through early 1953 when the 10ER was replaced by the Mark 5 and later Mark V.5 unread posts
Private group · 840 members
This is a group for people who want to upgrade their Shopsmith tools with a digitally controlled motor. Member since March 2021
Private group · 108 members
New England Shopsmith Users is a group designed for fellowship among Shopsmith users in the New England area. Please keep all posts relative to Shopsmith equipment and related projects. Buying, selling and trading is allowed as long as it is understood that all purchases are private exchanges between participating parties with no liability assigned to the group in any way. Thanks and here’s wishing you all safe and happy woodworking!Member since March 2021
Private group · 2.4K members
This group is for enthusiasts of the Shopsmith woodworking system and is specifically targeted towards those folks that are looking for advice on it's use, repair, troubleshooting, and reconditioning. The group is intendedas a friendly environment where discussion is encouraged. The primary rule of the group is that you must treat others the same way you would like to be treated yourself. Just chill and be cool - 8 posts a week
Private group · 56 members
This Facebook site is reserved for Current and Former employees of Shopsmith to correspond with each other.
Public group · 8 members
Member since March 2021
Private group · 917 members
Welcome to our official customer service Facebook page. We are excited to use this page as an additional resource for connecting with our customers, working on questions and concerns and letting everyone in on our contests, promotions, and specials. I hope you enjoy this new option and we look forward to hearing feedback from our customersand working towards making this a great page that is a good resourcefor our customers

Want to add your Shopsmith Group:    Contact Adm. / Web Master.