Shopsmith / "Mother Ship"

6530 Poe Ave
Dayton, OH 45414-2591
     phone   (937) 890-5197
  1. ====================================================================
    Renee Blake

                                                      Inside Sales Representative

    I want to take this opportunity to Introduce myself,
    my name is Renee Blake, I'm the Inside Sales
    Representative for Shopsmith. I want to Thank each
    customer I had the opportunity to talk to on the telephone,
    and place an order with or just inquiring about a part.
    I truly appreciate Shopsmith customers.

    Help Support by joining Shopsmith World Facebook. 

    Shopsmith Accessories and Upgrades Product Index › catalog › product_index

    The Shopsmith Engineering Team is lead by our Shopsmith Engineer, a leading Quality 

    Assurance Professional And 40+ Year Shopsmith Veteran. If his team can't help, it's likely

    nobody can. While we wish we could bottle Shopsmith Experts, and have unlimited 

    resources, they just aren't available. 

  2. Shopsmith Products - Accessories and Upgrades › ownersite

    Shopsmith's Online Catalog and Product Index provides access to hundreds of 

    work-saving power tools, power tool accessories, hand tools and more. View Our Catalog - Browse Shopsmith's catalog New Products - check out the new products from Shopsmith. 

  3. Shopsmith products sustain the test of time by providing the ability to upgrade older 

    machines to modern standards. No other company offers that! And, if you want to 

    increase your capabilities, Shopsmith has accessories for every woodworking operation. 

  4. Laminated Quick-Reference Wood Properties Chart - Shopsmith › ownersite › catalog

    Mark V Support Getting Started History DVD's on the Mark V Serial Numbers Trouble 

    Shooting Chart; Products. Products Online Catalog Service Parts Factory Repair Service 

    New ProductsShopsmith Gift Card Quick Order Form Downloadable PDF Catalog Tune-Up 

    and Repair Service Product Index Search; Specials. Specials Current Specials Signup for

    Email ... 

  5. Shopsmith Mark 7 and Mark V Specifications-- › mark7site › specs

    The specifications in the chart below will help you select the configuration that best 

    suitsthe types of woodworking you're planning to do. The chart below shows the motor

    & power specifications for the three options, including the Mark 7 model and the two 

    Mark V models (Model 510 & Model 520). This chart also includes the basic machine specifications that are common to all Shopsmith machines, regardless of version. 

  6. Shopsmith -- Determining Your Shopsmith Model Based on its ... › getting_started › which_table

    Mark V Support Getting Started History DVD's on the Mark V Serial Numbers Trouble 

    Shooting Chart; PRODUCTS. Product Catalog Product Catalog New Products Product 

    Index Specials Current Specials Signup for Email Specials Service Service Parts Other 

    Shopsmith Gift Card Quick Order Form Downloadable PDF Catalog Search; 


  7. Shopsmith Products -- User Reviews › ownersite › review

    Shopsmith's kit price was right in line with buying casters directly. Name: Gil Greenwood 

    Location: United States Submitted on: 2015-01-11 Rating: 4 out of 5: These new casters 

    are Awesome. The only problem is the wheels raise the Shopsmith to a height that the 

    Shopsmith cannot be lowered to set on the floor. 

  8. Shopsmith, Inc. - History | › mfgindex › detail

    Feb 03, 2020 · Shopsmith tools were made in San Francisco by Magna Engineering Corp.

    from 1947 to the late 1950s. Yuba Power Products, Inc. of Cleveland bought Magna 

    Engineering, but soon sold the Shopsmith line to some employees, who used the name 

    Magna American Corp. 

  9. RLF Brands - Wikipedia › wiki › Shopsmith

    Shop smith liquidated the inventory and started to manufacture "Benchmark" products. 

    In April 2005 the company reported gross annual revenues of US $13.4 million, with a net 

    loss of US $800,000. RLF Brands. Shop smith filed for bankruptcy in 2009 and reorganized,

     at first under the name of RLF Shop.